Rabu, 30 September 2015

Each Data Types in C, Input and Output in Programmin, Input Redirection

Hello readers!

I want to show you about little bit of data types in C, input and output in programming, and input redirection.

1. Data types in C


     - int: For integer number.
       The input is &d and the output is %d
     - float: For decimal or fraction.
       The input is &f and the output is %f
     - double: same like float but it has more range.
        The input is &lf and the output is %lf
     - char: to write a word.
        The input is &c and the output is %c 

That's the example of data types in C that i know. There is still more. you can see it from internet, or you can see from this link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_data_types  (i recommended from wikipedia hehe)

2. Input and Output in programming

    Input is to put the data to the program, and Output is to show the data from the program. Usually  people use scanf() for input and printf() for output. Let's see the example:

3. Input Redirection

    You can see from this link: https://chortle.ccsu.edu/java5/Notes/chap22/ch22_2.html

Selasa, 29 September 2015

Tutorial how to create a hello world program in C

Hello readers!

I want to show you a tutorial how to create a "Hello World" program in C.

The Steps:

1. Open the CodeBlocks, then click File -> new -> file (red sign).

2. Choose the C/CC+ source (because we use C) and then click 'Go' (red sign).

3. Choose 'C' (because we use C) and then click 'Next>' (red sign).

4. Choose the file location to save, and then click 'Finish' (red sign).

5. Here is the step to make the 'Hello World' program (you can see the pic).

6. And then, press F9 to compile the program.

7. Here is the example if the program is error.

Okay readers, that's all. Thanks for following this tutorial. Hope this will help you! ^.^

Minggu, 27 September 2015

Step by step tutorial with screenshot how to install C/C++ compiler

Hello readers!

I want to show you how to install CodeBlocks. For the information, CodeBlocks is a C/C++ compiler. CodeBlocks is an open-source app, so you can download it free from their website. Okay let's go to the main topic!

1. Open the CodeBlocks website (www.codeblocks.org) or you can search 'codeblocks' on google, after you search 'codeblocks' you will find download (red sign) click it.

3. And then, choose 'download the binary release' (red sign) click it.

4. Then, you will see the codeblocks-13.12mingw-setup.exe (red sign) you can download it from BerliOS or Sourceforge.net (me choose Sourceforge.net), then it will download directly.

6. After you finish the download, install the CodeBlocks, and then, click 'Next>' (red sign).

8. After you read the License Agreement, click 'I Agree' (red sign).

 9. Then, you click 'Next>' (red sign).

  10. After that, you Click 'Install' (red sign).

 11. Wait until the Installation is complete. after the installation is complete, click 'Next>' (red sign).

 12. Then, you click 'Finish' (red sign).

13. Last, you can run your CodeBlocks!!! #yeeeay #hooorrrray

Okay readers, that's all. Thanks for following this tutorial. Hope this will help you! ^.^